Pierre Garroudi Flash Mob II

Wtitten by Alyssa Carfi, photography by Cassandra Mayers

Note: The author's views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of RetoxMagazine.com

Garroudi's latest Flash Mob II 'Beauty of the Sea'

Pierre Garroudi stormed the streets of London yesterday with his latest fashion Flash Mob II 'Beauty of the Sea'. An array of mystical headpieces, exquisite gowns, and vivid make up in a sea of blue and turquoise paraded through the streets of London turning heads of all onlookers who passed by.

Pierre Garroudi Flash Mob 2 - Beauty of the Sea

More water for Pierre's mermaids!

Unpredictable British weather was no competition for Pierre's models. All fashion models made their way through London with the classic Fulton Birdcage Umbrella in hand. Enduring the spells of rain and wind the models posed in front of various hotspots around London gathering crowds from near and far. Fashion designer Pierre Garroudi and his fashion crew undoubtedly caused a stir, making yesterday's Flash Mob a successful event once again with his gorgeous fashion.

Pierre Garroudi - Beauty of the Sea

Fashion designer Pierre Garroudi shows off his signature style

Pierre's signature style was prominent throughout the day, with his multi-layered matte and sheen silks all representing various sea creatures. This was accompanied by the most elaborate hairstyles that sculpted each models hair, transforming them into beauties of the sea. The finished designs were breath taking to the eye.

The Flash Mob was yet another success by Pierre Garroudi and his team. Watch out London, you never know when Pierre Garroudi will hit the streets again.

Flash Mob II images - see more images of Pierre Garroudi's Flash Mob II 'Beauty of the Sea'.

Check out Pierre Garoudi's previous Flash Mob I fashion escapade - hot sexy red!


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