Photography by Lin Vitali.
Note: The author's views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of
Some call it a festival, others a trade show, but which ever way you look at it, Pure London would not be complete without our very own wacky and talented, fashion designer and icon, Zandra Rhodes.
Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes has a historic connection to the London Olympia venue and in particular the Pillar Hall where Zandra’s shows date back to the ‘70s. With the roots of Zandra Rhodes spreading across the bedding of London Olympia it brings great joy to see her collections flower and blossom at the same venue to date.
For all of you fans of Zandra Rhodes and Zandra Rhodes fashion, there was a great opportunity to check out a live interview on stage where fashion designer Zandra Rhodes talked about her original interest in furnishing fabrics, her studies at the royal college of art and carried on discussing textile design, amongst other topics.
"When I went to the Royal College in 1960 I became absolutely intrigued with the fact that dresses really can be made or not made by fabulous textiles, so I started to design textiles," fashion designer Zandra Rhodes explained as she picked up the book of her work done during her studies at the Royal College of Art up to 1971.
She further reminded us of the textile museum in Bermondsey that was founded by Zandra Rhodes herself – the building in pink and orange, and continued to chit-chat touching on various Zandra-related-topics to date. The vibe was good – positive energy emerged not only through Zandra’s prints but also through Zandra’s optimistic speech. - We are going to have a second golden age indeed, Zandra!
If you have missed the interview, shame on you! What kind of a Zandra Rhodes fan are you? Nonetheless, our Retox spies have captured a few sneaky minutes of the Zandra Rhodes interview, so please do tune in.
A few stunning models, two of which seemed to have dosed off at one point as they struggled to take directions from Eric Musgrave, showcased Zandra Rhodes prints, garments and accessories, as well as select pieces from Zandra's new range of handbags. While the models strutted the catwalk, Zandra Rhodes talked about her designs and prints done at her London studio in Bermondsey.
And last but not least, there was a 4pm tea session with Zandra Rhodes at the VIP lounge on the gallery level. Great things did happen at the Zandra Rhodes tea-bash. However, that part shall be left to your imagination.
Till next time then...